Dr. Martha Galvez is the Executive Director of the Housing Solutions Lab at NYU’s Furman Center. Martha has focused her career on housing and homelessness policy, with a focus on national and local policies and programs that strengthen housing stability and neighborhood choice for low-income families.

As the Executive Director of the Housing Solutions Lab, Martha and her team help small and midsize cities plan, launch, and evaluate evidence-based housing policies that advance racial equity; increase access to opportunity; and improve long-term health and wellbeing for residents.

Prior to joining the Lab, Martha was a Principal Research Associate at the Urban Institute. She has also held policy and research positions in several state and local research organizations, including the Washington State Department of Social and Health Services’ Research and Data Analysis division, the West Coast Poverty Center at the University of Washington, the Seattle Housing Authority, the New York City Department of Small Business Services, and the New York City Citizens Housing and Planning Council.

Martha earned her undergraduate degree from Wesleyan University. She earned her master’s degree in Urban Planning and PhD in public policy and administration from the Robert F. Wagner School of Public Service at New York University.


